Suggestion for amendment of Article X

02.12.2014. 19:09

Suggestions for amendments to the text of the Articles of the Treaty


Suggestion for amendment of Article X:

By Mr. Péter Balázs, Mr. Hannes Farnleitner, Ms. Sandra Kalniete, Mr. Jan Kohout, Mr. Ivan Korčok, Mr. Rytis Martikonis, Mr. Lennart Meri, Mr. Dimitrij Rupel, Ms. Teija Tiilikainen

Status : - Members.

Article X: to be inserted in Title VI on "The Union's Democratic Life"

  1. The Congress of the Peoples of Europe shall provide a forum for contact and consultation in European political life. It shall meet at least once a year. Its meetings shall be public. The President of the European Parliament shall convene and chair them.
  2. The Congress shall not intervene in the Council's legislative procedure.
  3. The President of the European Council shall report on the State of the Union. The President of the Commission shall present the annual legislative programme.
  4. One third of the Congress shall be members of the European Parliament: two thirds shall be representatives of national Parliaments. The total shall not exceed seven hundred.