UN Human Rights Council 46th Session – Item 10 Interactive Dialogue on High Commissioner’s oral update on Ukraine - Statement by H.E. Ambassador Bahtijors Hasans

22.03.2021. 15:10

Thank you, Madam President,

Latvia aligns with the statement delivered by the EU.

We remain deeply concerned about the deteriorating human rights situation in the non-government controlled areas in Eastern Ukraine and in the illegally annexed Crimea and city of Sevastopol.

The latest report continues to highlight human rights abuses in the non-government controlled areas in Eastern Ukraine, including widespread and credible allegations of torture and ill-treatment in a number of facilities, detention conditions that do not meet international human rights standards, restrictions of freedom of religion or belief, as well as intimidation and threat of reprisals of those who cooperate with OHCHR. Reports of arbitrary detention of civilians by armed groups, including for their social media posts, are especially worrying.

The report also continues to observe international humanitarian law and human rights law violations in the illegally annexed Crimea. We remain deeply concerned about the human rights situation of Crimea`s ethnic and religious minorities, as well as reported deportations and forcible transfer of individuals outside of the illegally annexed Crimea, and human rights abuses of detainees.

Latvia calls on all parties involved to immediately end hostilities, uphold human rights and ensure that perpetrators of human rights violations are held accountable.

We reiterate our call for proper and unimpeded access of international and regional human rights monitoring mechanisms to the illegally annexed Crimea and to places of detention in the non-government controlled areas in Eastern Ukraine.

Finally, we reiterate the unwavering support of the Government of Latvia to sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

I thank you!