
02.01.2025. 15:37


We encourage active use of Latvian government digital services. For this purpose you have to receive an ID card with electronical signature.

Embassy accepts aplications for Certificates only electronically (with e-signature) or  by post/currier (not in person).


Attention!  The service is available for persons residing abroad permanently and having declared their place of residence abroad (Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria) with the Register Register of natural persons. Renewal of residence data on the spot at the embassy is a paid service. The price of the service is 50 euros per person. BEFORE applying for the service, please make sure that the data on the place of residence abroad is up-to-date. Residents of Serbia are not served by the Embassy in Greece.

At the Embassy of of Latvia in Greece, Latvian nationals can request certificates on the basis of data from:

-  the Register of Natural Persons (for example, Family statuss certificate or Βεβαίωση οικογενειακής κατάστασης) - in Greek or English.

-  the Road Traffic Safety Directorate (the CSDD) - in English.

-  the Punishment Register (Βεβαίωση Ποινικού Μητρώου) - in English,

- other consular certificates (other information, for example, Βεβαίωση μη κωλύματος) - in Greek of English.


A person is entitled to request a reference about themselves, their minor children or a deceased relative, or a person under their guardianship or curatorship.

The service is available to persons who reside abroad permanently and have indicated their place of residence abroad in the Latvian Register of Natural Persons,.

Attention! Certificates issued by the Embassy of Latvia in Greece are good for use in institutions of Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria only.  Residents of Serbia are not served by the Embassy in Greece.


* The legal basis for the processing of personal data (given name, surname, personal identity number and other personal data indicated in the form) is Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation. The legal obligation of diplomatic and consular missions of Latvia abroad is to process personal data in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 563 of 17 August 2021 “Procedures for issuing information included in the Register of Natural Persons”.