Latvia's Statement at the the 62nd Session of COPUOS Scientific and Technical Sub-Committee

United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)
62nd Session of the Scientific and Technical Sub-Committee (STSC)
Vienna, 3 February 2025
Delivered by Dr Lana Frančeska Dreimane
Director of the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Ministry of Education and Science
Honourable Director, Honourable Chair! Distinguished member state delegates and distinguished observer states’ delegates!
First of all,
I would like to thank the member states of COPUOS for welcoming Latvia to the Committee, and also congratulate Djibouti on joining this committee.
Latvia fully aligns itself with the statement delivered by the distinguished delegates of the European Union. Allow me to add and highlight several aspects from our national perspective.
We strongly support the rules-based international order in space activities. A multilateral approach ensures the safe and sustainable use of space for the benefit of all.
I am glad to inform that Latvia is on very good track to join the Outer Space Treaty this year.
The aims of this committee are strongly aligned with Latvia’s interests in earth observation, including in the context of climate change, disaster management and security.
Latvia is a member of the EU Space Surveillance and Tracking consortium, which engages with space traffic security and space debris. We join the call on all COPUOS members to avoid and prevent, to the greatest extent possible, the creation of space debris.
Latvian research institutions through strong competences and unique radio telescope infrastructure are members of international networks such as JIV-ERIC and LOFAR-ERIC.
Latvia is also an associate member of the European Space Agency and actively participates in its activities and projects. Over 50 companies in Latvia are contributing to innovations in the space industry, which have implemented over 120 innovative projects since 2015.
I would like to assure the committee that Latvia offers its full support in reaching the goals of the 2030 Agenda.
We encourage further progress in the Working Group on the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities on the implementation of the existing 21 Guidelines, capacity building needs, and new challenges.
Latvia is deeply concerned about the current international context affecting multilateral work, including cooperation on outer space issues. We strongly condemn Russia’s continued war of aggression against Ukraine.
Latvia supports the UN Pact for the Future, which focuses on strengthening international cooperation in governance of space traffic, space debris and space resources. Latvia would like to thank UNOOSA and its Director Aarti Holla-Maini for the inspiring leadership in this significant work.
We are keen to continue this collaboration and look forward to more in-depth discussions to further this work on the issues of great significance not only to Latvia, but for all our nations and our sustainable future.
Thank you, Director, thank you Chair!