Ministry of foreign affairs
of the Republic of Latvia
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Statement by Ambassador Pildegovičs at the General Debate of the First Committee of the 77th UN General Assembly New York, 6 October 2022
Explanation of vote (after adoption) delivered by Latvia of resolution “Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”
Explanation of vote of the Republic of Latvia (after the vote) on the Resolution “On Admission on new Members of the United Nations”
National statement of the Republic of Latvia at the Informal dialogue on Building global resilience and promoting sustainable development through regional and interregional infrastructure connectivity
National statement of the Republic of Latvia at the UNRWA Pledging Conference by H.E. Sanita Pavļuta-Deslandes, Ambassador - Permanent Representative
Peacebuilding Commission Building Peace through Institutions and Governance in South Sudan Statement by Latvia
Remarks by Ambassador Andrejs Pildegovičs at the annual Yizkor (Commemorative event) of the Holocaust Survivors of Latvia at E68 Synagogue in New York, on November 20, 2022
Statement at the UNSC Briefing “Artificial Intelligence and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security” by Nordic-Baltic countries
Statement by H.E. Permanent Representative Sanita Pavļuta-Deslandes on behalf of the Republic of Latvia on Revitalization of the Work of the United Nations General Assembly
Statement by Latvia at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on Women Peace and Security “Women Building Peace in a Changing Environment”
Statement by Mr. Olegs Ilgis, DPR of Latvia to the UN, at the Ad Hoc Working Group on GA Revitalization, Thematic Debate on the Selection and Appointment of the Secretary-General and other Executive Heads
Statement by President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs at the high-level plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly on addressing the existential threats posed by sea level rise
Statement by the Republic of Latvia at the Intergovernmental Negotiations Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council
Statement by the Republic of Latvia at the UN General Assembly joint debate on the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, UN General Assembly, New York, 14 October 2024
Statement by the Republic of Latvia on the Revitalization of the Work of the United Nations General Assembly
Statement on behalf of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia by Elvira Cupika-Mavrina, Legal advisor of Latvia to the United Nations on Crimes against humanity New York, 10 October 2024
Statement on behalf of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia on the Revitalization of the Work of the United Nations General Assembly by Elvira Cupika-Mavrina, Legal advisor of Latvia to the United Nations
Statement on behalf of the Baltic States at the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly, Sixth Committee, on non-legally binding international agreements delivered by Elvira Cupika-Mavrina, Legal Advisor of Latvia
Statement on behalf of the Baltic States on the Rule of Law delivered by Elīza Grisle, Second Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Latvia to the United Nations
Statement on behalf of the NB8 countries at the General Assembly By H.E. Mr. Andrejs Pildegovičs “11th General Assembly Emergency Special Session”
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