
Explanation of vote of the Republic of Latvia (after the vote) on the Resolution “On Admission on new Members of the United Nations”

By H.E. Sanita Pavļuta-Deslandes, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Latvia to the United Nations.

10 May 2024, United Nations General Assembly, Tenth Emergency Special session

Mr President,

Latvia abstained on the Resolution “On Admission on new Members of the United Nations”, because we continue to believe official recognition of a Palestinian State should only be conducted in the framework of a negotiated agreement in accordance with international parameters. Latvia recognises the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine. Latvia remains committed to the two-State solution of Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security within recognized borders based on the pre- 1967 borders to guarantee sustainable peace.

Our vote shall not be interpreted as support to the ongoing crisis, including practices that violate international law and international humanitarian law. We fully recognize that more than 34 thousand Palestinians have perished and the remaining residents of Gaza continue to face life threatening danger, as well as a humanitarian catastrophe. This crisis must be addressed without delay, ensuring an immediate humanitarian pause leading to a sustainable ceasefire, the unconditional release of all hostages and the provision of unhindered humanitarian assistance at scale to the Palestinian people to end the suffering now.

We thank the Palestinian Mission and other interlocutors for their constructive efforts to improve the text of the Resolution to enable the widest possible support among UN Member States. Therefore, we call on the Security Council to reconsider the matter on the UN Membership of Palestine as soon as possible.

To conclude, we believe that this is the time for the international community to redouble its efforts towards overcoming the current crisis and reviving the Middle East Peace Process aimed at achieving the two-state solution. Meanwhile, it is important to enhance political and practical support to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Authority as their official representative at the foundation of a future State of Palestine.

Thank you!