
National statement of the Republic of Latvia by H.E. Sanita Pavļuta-Deslandes, Ambassador - Permanent Representative

UNRWA Pledging Conference, 12 July 2024, New York

Excellencies, distinguished colleagues,

First, I would like to thank the Secretary General for mobilizing international support to UNRWA and commend the Commissioner – General Lazarini for his leadership in providing non-stop essential aid to Palestinian refugees. UNRWA serves as a lifeline for millions of Palestinians. UNRWA staff pay with their own lives to provide essential assistance amid ongoing military actions. Despite its critical role, the Agency faces underfunding, hindering its ability to deliver.

Let me underline that Latvia has been consistent supporter and donor to UNRWA activities. On top of our long-term financial commitment at the national level, as a member of the European Union, Latvia is proud to be part of the biggest contributing party to UNRWA. Moreover, at times when UNRWA faces funding shortfalls, Latvia has provided additional financial resources and will continue to do so.

There is no alternative for UNRWA as it provides critical services and ensures the backbone of education, healthcare and social services to all Palestinians. That’s why, Latvia joined UNRWA Shared Commitments and thanks Jordan, Slovenia and Kuwait for the initiative.

We commend the Agency in implementing the recommendations outlined in the Independent Review Group’s Final Report. This process should continue in transparent and coherent way, upholding UNRWA's neutrality with our support.

The dire situation in Gaza cannot be described in words. Palestinian people have been plunged into an abyss of suffering: people displaced, infrastructure destroyed with no safe space remaining. Children killed and maimed. For this reason, Latvia joined the Call to Action for Palestinian Children in the West Bank and Gaza.

Immediate relief must be accompanied by peacebuilding and peacekeeping component. Latvia continues to contribute to the UN peacekeeping missions in the region, namely, UNIFIL and UNTSO. 

Yet Latvia recognizes that long term peace is only achievable through a political process based on full implementation of all relevant UN Security Council resolutions. In particular, Resolution 2735 on a comprehensive ceasefire agreement, securing the immediate end of hostilities and release of all hostages. Each day of delay means more casualties, more suffering, and more death. The Palestinian people have suffered too much, long ago. The path towards a long-term political settlement should begin without a delay.

In closing, let me reiterate Latvia's unwavering support to UNRWA. We call on the international community to join efforts in forging a sustainable funding to continue UNRWA’s critical mission to provide consistent lifeline to Palestinian people.

Thank you!