Business with Latvia

06.02.2025. 06:50

Since 2015, a free trade agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Korea has been in effect, significantly enhancing economic cooperation between EU countries and the Republic of Korea.

In 2023, the total trade turnover between Latvia and the Republic of Korea amounted to EUR 142.4 million. Latvia’s key exports to the Republic of Korea include wood and related products, mineral products, cement, glass, ceramic products, and machinery. Additionally, Latvian companies are involved in high-tech sectors, exporting products such as plywood, fiberglass, software programs and more.

To further support economic relations, Latvia established a foreign economic representation in Seoul in 2020. The office aids Latvian and Korean entrepreneurs to promote trade between the two countries, offering guidance on starting business, presenting investment opportunities etc.

For assistance with trade and investment inquiries, please contact the head of the Latvian representative office in Seoul is:

Mārtiņš Baumanis
Head of the Representative Office of Latvia’s Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) in the Republic of Korea

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +82 1032465023

For further details insights into business opportunities with Latvia, please visit the following links:


Ministry of Economics

 Ministry information, EU information, publications, National Lisbon Programme, Industry, Foreign Trade, Entrepreneurship, Energy Construction, Housing, Tourism, Protection of consumer rights etc.

Ministry of Finance

Ministry information, budget, taxes, internal audit, state aid, accountancy, Europe, international cooperation, documents for discussion, news etc.

Ministry of Transport

Leading institution of state administration of transport and communication branches which elaborates legal acts and policy planning documents regulating the branch. It provides the implementation of the transport policy.

Bank of Latvia

The Bank of Latvia is the central bank of the Republic of Latvia. It is one of the key public institutions and carries out economic functions as prescribed by law.

About the Bank of Latvia, Latvian Money, Statistics, News and Press Releases, Monetary Policy, Financial Information, Publications, Payment and Settlement Systems etc.

Central Statistical Bureau

Data bases, Main indicators, Catalogue of statistical publications 2008, Chargeable services,  Information centre etc.

State Revenue Service of Latvia

Natural Resources Tax, Lottery and Gambling Tax, Mandatory State Social Insurance Contributions, Value Added Tax, Personal Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Real Estate Tax etc.

Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds

Structural Funds, Cohesion Funds, 2007-2013, Documents, EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms etc.

The State Regional Development Agency

ERDF 2007-2013, ESF 2007-2013, State and the EU SF support, EARMARKED subsidies to local municipalities, Income tax relief, Norwegians financial instrument, Research, International cooperation, INTERREG first level financial control, INTERREG Riga Office , VASAB secretariat etc.

Latvian Tourism Portal
About Latvia, How to get there, Where to spend the night, Where to go, What to do, Events etc.


Riga Stock Exchange (Rigas fonda birza)

Wall Street Journal called Riga Stock Exchange homepage the best website of its kind in Central Eastern Europe. Continuously updated stock market data.



LURSOFT maintains commercial databases containing information on all companies registered in Latvia, their managers, shareholders and fixed capital, as well as credit information on all companies, which have registered movable pledges in Latvia, detailed information about court disputes between Latvian companies (since 1993).


Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

LCCI site has an extensive list of members (more than 700) and database of Latvian companies looking for partners. It informs about upcoming business promotion events and trade fairs in Latvia, and features Importers Guide Online. LCCIA does "matchmaking" between latvian and foreign companies.

Wood Industry

The wood and wood products (include. pulp & paper and furniture) sector is one of the most important industrial sectors in Latvia. An excellent overview about the forest industry and business opportunities.

Latvian Timber Exporters' Association

Basic information about timber in Latvia. Database of timber exporters (browsable by name or product).

Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia

Latvian Federation of Food Enterprises

Association of textile and clothing industry


State Air Company

Latvian Railway  

Interactive local train traffic timetable, Interactive international train traffic timetable, Information Technology Centre, Trade Union, Museum, Latvian Railwayman Society, Passenger train etc.