Latvia and the EU today

02.12.2014. 19:09

Horizontal priorities of the Government of Latvia

European Union Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020

  • Negotiation on the EU Multiannual Financial Framework and related legislative proposals for the revenues and the expenditure side, in particular, regulations for Cohesion Policy and Common Agricultural Policy after 2013.

Sustainable economic growth and financial stability

  • Implementation of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (TSCG) and the Growth and Employment Pact for Europe, including the drawing up of relevant EU legislation and initiatives.
  • Strengthening the EU Single Market and establishing the Digital Single Market.
  • Discussions on consolidating the Economic and Monetary Union on the basis of the report by the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy "Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union”.

Energy and transport policy

  • The Connecting Europe Facility (a new common legal framework and funding instrument for the EU energy, transport and telecommunications infrastructure).
  • Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure
  • Renewable Energy Strategy.

Foreign Policy

European Neighbourhood Policy, EU Eastern Partnership

  • Attention should be devoted to implementing the tasks set out in the Eastern Partnership Roadmap prepared during the Danish presidency.
  • Negotiations should be continued with Moldova and Georgia on Association Agreements with the EU.
  • The signing and ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement should be advanced, depending on Ukraine’s progress achieved in observing the rule of law, reforms of the judiciary and improving the constitution.
  • It is important to keep the doors open for the involvement of Belarusian authorities in a dialogue with the EU, including the formal framework offered by the EU (Eastern Partnership, the European Dialogue on Modernisation) in case improvements take place in the democracy and human rights situation. It would be in Latvia’s interests to achieve that EU develops a strategic approach towards Belarus.
  • It is important to advance a visa dialogue with all countries of the Eastern Partnership.

Transatlantic relations

  • Latvia’s strategic interests lie in close and diverse relations between the EU and the U.S.
  • It is important that the EU and the U.S. cooperate in security and defence matters (non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, fighting terrorism and international organised crime, data security, cyber-security, development of Afghanistan).
  • The EU-U.S. cooperation in the matters of economy, energy and environment. 
  • Developing the EU-U.S. cooperation in the EU Eastern Partnership region.

EU enlargement

  • We hope that progress will be made, to the fullest extent possible, in the EU accession talks with Iceland, the ratification process of Croatia’s EU Accession Treaty will continue, and the Positive Agenda initiated by the EC will be carried out in the context of Turkey’s EU accession talks.
  • Latvia expects progress in the course of the EU integration of Western Balkan countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

EU-Russia relations

  • Latvia is interested in an effective EU-Russia partnership.
  • A balanced progress should be ensured in all the outstanding issues on the agenda of the EU-Russia dialogue (the New Agreement, modernisation, human rights consultations, energy, frozen conflicts, visa dialogue etc.)

Middle East Peace Process

  • Latvia as an EU member state will continue pursuing a balanced policy regarding the Middle East Peace Process by voicing support for direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and a two-state solution to be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties.

EU-Central Asia relations

  • Work should be continued towards the implementation of the EU Strategy for Central Asia.
  • Given the developments in Afghanistan, there is a marked increase in the topicality of security cooperation in the Central Asian states.
  • Transport and transit issues always have a significant place in the relations between Latvia and Central Asian countries.
  • Latvia supports the increase of the EU presence in Central Asia through opening a representation of the EU delegation in Turkmenistan.

EU-Afghanistan relations

  • Latvia supports the increase of the EU civilian engagement in Afghanistan. 
  • Negotiations should be continued on the EU-Afghanistan Cooperation Agreement on Partnership and Development that will underpin the EU-Afghanistan relations.

Common Security and Defence Policy

  • Latvia supports discussions on the advancement of the CDSP, notably, as regards developing and strengthening capabilities. At the same time is collective security within NATO. At the same time, Latvia’s national security is based on collective security within NATO.