Latvian days held in Rostock

02.12.2014. 19:09

From 28 November to 3 December 2005, Latvian Days, organised jointly by the Rostock Senate, the Riga City Council, and Latvia's Embassy in Latvia are being held in Rostock.

The opening of the Latvian Days will take place on 28 November and will be attended by a delegation from the Riga City Council led by Deputy Chairman of the Council, Almers Ludviks; the Prime Minister of the federal lands of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Harald Ringsdorf; the Burgomaster of Rostock, Roland Methling as well as Latvia's Honorary Consul in the federal lands of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein, Fritz Schulze.

During the Latvian Days, residents of Rostock will be familiarised with an extensive cultural programme: Latvian feature films and animated cartoons will be shown; Maris Briezkalns' jazz quintet and students of the Latvian Academy of Music will perform music. There will also be readings of works of Latvian contemporary writers and a festive concert Baltic Cristmas – Lettische Weihnacht. Visitors will also have an opportunity to see an exhibition Lettland ist in Europa prepared by the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia.

Another, more noteworthy part of the Latvian days in Rostock is dedicated to cooperation in economy and education. It will include a German-Latvian economic day during which attendees will be offered information about opportunities for education and studies, as well as for work and economic cooperation in Latvia. The Minister of Transport, Ainars Slesers, will participate in the opening of the Latvian-German economic day as part of his visit to Rostock. There will also be a German-Latvian conference of school students under the motto Opportunities for youth in a united Europe and presentations of projects by the children and young people of Rostock that are dedicated to the Latvian days.

Interested persons will be informed about the partnership between Riga and Rostock during the last 44 years and the results of this partnership. For the whole week, there will also be a Christmas fair where Latvian craftsmen will offer their goods for sale. 

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