Connecting Cultures&Advancing Education: Ambassador Visits Nile University

23.05.2024. 16:13

On  21st of May, 2024, in Cairo, the Ambassador of Latvia Andris Razāns paid a visit to Nile University to explore potential partnerships in technology and education. Ambassador was welcomed by university's President, Professor Wael Akl and Heads of various departments to discuss ways of exploring avenues for mutual cooperation and knowledge exchange.

During discussions Professor Wael Akl highlighted successful projects with University of Latvia (LU) and Riga Technical University (RTU) in past and possibilities for future partnerships, emphasizing shared goals in advancing technology and education. The President of the Nile University underscored the value of cross-cultural collaboration in driving innovation and preparing students for the global workforce.

A highlight of the visit included a tour of the university's dynamic business incubators and research labs, showcasing the commitment to nurture entrepreneurial talent.

Ambassador Andris Razāns expressed his appreciation for the institution's visionary approach and its proactive engagement with the private sector in research and development initiatives, as well as dedication to support startups by enhancing their research capacities.

This meeting marks another step forwards to building connections between Latvia and Egypt, aiming to benefit students, academia, and industry partners alike.