
19.09.2024. 19:02

 E Kuzmas fotografija

H.E. Ms. Elita Kuzma
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the United States of America

Ambassador Elita Kuzma joined the Foreign Service of the restored Republic of Latvia in 1992, taking up a post at the Economic Cooperation Division. After that, Elita Kuzma worked at the Western Europe Division, to later become Director of the First Political Department and then Under Secretary, Head of the First Political Directorate. She has also served as Ambassador, Head of the Economic and Bilateral Relations Directorate, Ambassador, Head of the European Union Directorate, and Head of the State Protocol.

Ambassador Elita Kuzma has amassed considerable professional experience during her postings abroad as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Italian Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Czech Republic as well as Permanent Representative to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation.
Ambassador Elita Kuzma has been accredited as non-resident Ambassador to the Republic of Hungary, the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Slovakia, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Republic of San Marino, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Albania, the State of Kuwait, the Republic of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Holy See, and the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta.

Ambassador Elita Kuzma has graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Trade, and the Institute of International Relations of the University of Latvia. She received further education at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute in the US and George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies in Germany.

Ambassador Elita Kuzma is married and has a daughter. Ambassador Kuzma has a profound appreciation for the beautiful Latvian culture and arts, she enjoys classical music, and in her free time enjoys skiing and other outdoor sports. Recognizing the significant function woman play in the Latvian society, embodying strength, resilience and cultural continuity, Ambassador Elita Kuzma is the first woman to be accredited as the ambassador to the United States, and supports both women’s and young people’s dreams to better the global community.