Embassy Staff

23.07.2024. 20:35


H.E. Mr. Māris Selga
Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to the
United States of America
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Mr. Jānis Beķeris
Deputy Chief of Mission 
Ms. Evita Čikute
Congress Liaison
Ms. Sabīne Janisela Second Secretary (Communications & Public Diplomacy)

Mr. Kaspars Stabiņš

Third Secretary (Economic Affairs)

Ms. Alise Ferrucci

Third Secretary (Assistant to the Ambassador)
Ms. Liāna Eglīte
Secretary of the Embassy
Ms. Agnija Libeka

Senior Expert

Mr. Jānis Marhiļevičs Estate Manager




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Ms. Santa Dālmane Head of Consular Section
Ms. Svetlana Daukante Second Secretary
Ms. Dace Forda Consular Officer
Colonel Ilze Žilde Defense Attaché to the USA, Assistant Defense, Military, Air and Naval Attaché
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Ms. Karina Blaževica

Assistant to the first rank Defense Attaché
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Mr. Toms Zvidriņš
Head of the Representative Office in the USA, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (San Francisco, CA)
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