A birth, marriage or a death certificate can be requested online via The Latvian State Portal.
Requesting documents from public institutions in Latvia
Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice (civil status documents, multilingual language forms and reference statements) |
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Ministry of Justice (a certificate concerning judgments in matrimonial matters specified in the Article 39 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003) |
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Information Centre of the Ministry of Interior (Certificate on (non-) criminal record) |
Sworn Notary (judgements on divorce if the marriage is divorced at the sworn notary – to the respective sworn notary who has divorced the marriage |
Court (judgements on divorce, if the marriage is divorced at the court – to the respective court where the marriage has been divorced). |
National Archives (reference statements on the length of service, pension) |
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Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (reference statements from the Register of Natural persons) |
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Requesting documents via Latvian diplomatic/ consular missions
Requesting documents via the diplomatic or consular missions of Latvia abroad is only ensured if documents must be authenticated with a stamp of legalization at the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This service is available to persons residing abroad permanently and having declared their place of residence abroad with the Register of Natural persons of Latvia.
Visitors seeking this service are received at the diplomatic or consular mission by prior appointment only. Please arrange your visit by contacting the respective Latvian diplomatic/ consular mission abroad.
Further information can be found here. To request a document from Latvian public institutions at a diplomatic or consular mission of Latvia, the person should submit an application and a document requesting form. The fee depends on the type of the document requested; the consular fee is 50 EUR. For further information on requesting documents via Latvian diplomatic/ consular missions and the amount of fees and consular charges, please contact the relevant Latvian diplomatic/ consular mission abroad.
Visitors must sign up for an appointment at the Consular Section by phone +380 44 4907037 or by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Fees for requesting documents via Latvian diplomatic/ consular missions
State fee and consular service charge visitors can pay:
- by a credit/debit card (VISA, VISA Electron, Maestro, Master)
- by making a bank transfer (the Consular Section can issue an invoice)
* The legal basis for the processing of personal data (given name, surname, personal identity number and other personal data indicated in the application) is Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation. The legal obligation of diplomatic and consular missions of Latvia abroad is to process personal data in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 267 of 18.06.2019 “Regulations Regarding Legalisation of Public Documents with Certification (Apostille)", Cabinet Regulation No. 264 of 18.06.2019 "Regulations of legalization of a public document" and Cabinet Regulation No. 761 of 03.09.2013 “Regulations Regarding Registers of Civil Status Acts”.